Guide to Making a Payment via SBI Collect
To make your payment, please follow these steps:
1. Visit the SBI Collect URL: Click on this link into your browser: SBI Collect Payment
2. Select Payment Category: Choose “Cost Of Compounding” under “Enter Payment Details”.
3. Fill in the Payment Details:
• CLIENT NAME*: Enter your full name.
• CASE NUMBER*: Enter your case number.
• FEE TYPE (PENALTY/WELFARE/MISC.)*: Select the relevant fee type.
• EMAIL*: Provide your email address.
• PHONE NUMBER*: Enter your contact number.
• PAYMENT DESCRIPTION: Add additional details if required.
• AMOUNT*: Enter the exact amount to be paid.
• Remarks: Enter any remarks if needed.
4. Enter Your Details:
• Individual or Organisation / Corporate: Select the appropriate option.
• Name*: Enter your name.
• Date of Birth/Incorporation*: Enter the required date. If you do not know the actual date, you may fill in any date.
• Mobile No*: Enter your mobile number. You will receive the transaction reference number on this number upon successful payment.
• Email ID: Provide your email address. You will also receive the transaction reference number on this email ID.
5. Submit and Confirm Payment:
• Review all the details carefully.
• Click on the “Submit” button to proceed.
• Confirm the payment details on the next page.
• Choose your preferred payment method and complete the transaction.
6. Save Payment Details:
• On successful completion of payment, you will receive a transaction reference number.
• Important: Save a copy of this reference number for your records.
• Note down the transaction reference number for future reference.
Thank you for making your payment promptly.